
Monday 6th November, 2023

PTA Halloween Disco

What a wonderfully spooky time we all had at the PTA disco! Many thanks to the volunteers for all their time and the effort they put into making the evening such a great success.  The decorations and games were brilliant! Lots of money was raised too, which will be used to buy new chairs.

Winner of the best overall costume!

A hall full of fun!

Lots of games and dancing.


Lots of happy children!

Friday 10th March, 2023

School Closure Snow 10th March

Unfortunately we have had to make the difficult decision to close school today. Many of our staff are finding it difficult to get through the snow and we have not got enough staff who can get here to look after the children safely. Enjoy your snow day and we will see you all on Monday.

Friday 17th February, 2023

Ready Eddies

Ready Eddies of the week!

Fox Class:  Harley, Parker, Nora, Jack, Betsy, Orlagh, Willow, Harrison J, Harrison D-L, Oliver, Corey, Olivia. 
Rabbit Class:  Holly,Seb, Jack L, Nico, Grayson, Connie, Jack B. 
Woodpecker Class:  Jaxon, Tiana, Myles, Noah, Akshika, Anna 
Year 1   
Hedgehog Class:    Penelope, Lucas, Henry, Jessica, Haylee, Lincoln, Harry, Jaycob and Phoebe
Squirrel Class:    
Year 2   
Badger Class:   Jasper, Brody, Noah, Finlay, Stanly, Eva, Piper and Kareemah 
Deer Class:   
Owl Class:   Esmae, Charlotte, Thomas O, Harry H, Isla, Thomas W, Thomas M 

Well done to all of our super learners ischool this week!

Friday 17th February, 2023


The class with the highest attendance this week is Badger Class with 99%

Well done

Friday 17th February, 2023

Headteacher’s Award

Sofia, Charlotte and Freddie in Deer Class for their brilliant writing about the Art Gallery.

Ellie and Megan for being fantastic historians remembering lots of information.

Well done

Friday 17th February, 2023

Safeguarding Newsletter

Friday 17th February, 2023

Gold Star Awards

Woodpecker Class- Finnley, for super effort with your writing about what you want to be when you grow up!

Rabbit Class – Aubree, for showing super listening skills and having a positive attitude to your learning. You have also tried hard to write what you want to be when you grow up!

Fox Class – Oliver, you have been a super member of Fox Class. You have really shone in your love of learning and we are so proud of all that you have achieved with us. Good luck in your new school.

Hedgehog Class – Ruby, for her amazing work on The Jack and The Beanstalk story. Your brilliant handwriting makes it easier to read. Well done.

Squirrel Class- Jeremy– James, for always being ready to help anyone who needs it!

Badger Class – Holly, for a super character description of Picasso this week! Well done for choosing what you use to help you be the best that you can be!

Owl Class – Florence, for sharing your wonderful opinions on the artworks of Picasso and Degas with Owl Class.

Deer Class – Alexia-Mae, for the positive attitude towards your learning this week and the way you kept on going even when you found some things tricky, just like Ready Eddie!   I’m proud of you 🙂

Well done everyone.

Friday 17th February, 2023

Half Term

Have a great half term break and see you back in school on

Monday  27th February.


Friday 17th February, 2023

Birthday List

Birthdays this week

Ava in Fox Class is now 5 Years Old

Freddie in Squirrel Class is now 6 Years Old

James in Deer Class is now 7 Years Old

Birthdays over the holidays

Henry and Henry in Hedgehog Class will be 6 Years Old

Oliver in Owl Class will be 8 Years Old

Happy Birthday from everyone in school.